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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Community Inaction-Capitulation By 1000 Cuts

What exactly are tenants here hoping for with the deck so stacked against them?

No more student rentals?  Unless illegal (which they're probably not), they will continue.

An opportunity to buy at a 'reasonable' price?  Looking less and less likely with every passing day.

Continue at affordable rates under rent stabilization?  Well, for you market raters who  might be paying well under the legal rent, better watch out.  At any lease renewal, Compass Rock could decide to lower the boom on you and charge the legal rent.

Looking to the City or Fannie & Freddie for help?  Everything stated seems to have just offered false hope.  We've heard of no help from any governmental entities now for close to 6 months.

For market raters and those paying the legal rent, the only landlord move you can fight are the MCIs.  But the Dept of Housing has already shown that it hardly responds to single challenges.  Without an organized effort backed by councilman inquiries, nothing of significance will happen.

A tenant association would be the organization most likely to help organize an effort to fight MCIs, but the PCVST Tenant Association seems to have its efforts focused elsewhere.  Nor does our councilman seem to be mounting an effort to fight MCIs.

Consequently, each MCI that goes unchallenged represents a cut, each cut unanswered represents a capitulation.

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