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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What Happens To Democrats In NY City After They First Win...

There's only one way Democrats promising fulfillment of a progressive agenda. Which always includes real estate and tenant issues. But then what?

Start getting invited to a lot of dinners and parties all the time? Start being a center of attention? Start liking to hear the sound of one's own voice? Start feeling reluctant to go back to the old less exciting life, a life that may not even be interested in having one back? Start meeting all the real estate titans often heard about? Enjoy having them court favor? Start thinking maybe they're not such bad guys after all? Start listening to their arguments about how what they want will help create jobs? Start picking up on their veiled threats about what will happen if they don't get their ways? Discover that it takes money to win a second time once you have a record that can be judged? Start getting worried about taking clear stands?

Maybe some, part or all the above is wrong. Nonetheless, 9 times out of 10, the Democratic candidate you voted for when first on the scene isn't what you expected after 2 years. The substance you expected on real estate issues is usually gone, and what you're left with is a lot of spin.

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